(Recent) updates in our group

Dear Internet,

A lot has happened since we last updated our site, so here is a super post of what happened in the past 12 months:

  • (2023-07) Chronicles wrote a feature on our work in polyester recycling.
  • (2023-06) Jin received Early Career Achievement Award in Materials Science and Engineering from his alma mater, Northwestern
  • (2023-05) Chronicles features Natalia’s work on mentorship of underrepresented science and engineering students.
    • Read about Natalia’s Cornell Class of 1964 John F. Kennedy Memorial Award!
  • (2023-05) Abby won the Best Poster Prize at the Awards Ceremony of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering
  • (2023-02) Chronicles on Pengtao’s recent publication on studying the electric field at solid-liquid interfaces.
  • (2022-10) Abby is working with the eLab, Cornell’s startup accelerator.
  • (2022-09) We bid goodbye to Pengtao, who will start his group at Shanghai Jiaotong. Good luck on your next step!