Welcome to our new students!

We are excited to have Yiming Ding, Jingzhi Hu, Zeyu Pan, and Eric Zhao join our team to work on waste-plastics extraction, electrocatalysis, and non-linear spectroscopy.

(Recent) updates in our group

Dear Internet, A lot has happened since we last updated our site, so here is a super post of what happened in the past 12 months: (2023-07) Chronicles wrote a feature on our work in polyester recycling. (2023-06) Jin received…

Congratulation to Ding-Yuan Kuo for becoming the FIRST PhD in Suntivich group!
Pat and Kevin's paper on new electride material is now online in JACS! Congrats!

Sr3CrN3: a new electride with a partially filled d-shell transition metal

Congratulation on the PhD candidates for walking!


We had a group BBQ in Stewart park!


New group photo!
Group website update!

We are updating our group website. Come back later for new information!